Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is an animated film made in 1937. Snow White is a princess who lives with her evil stepmother, who is known as the Queen. The Queen planned to take over the kingdom when Snow White's father died. The Queen thought Snow White's beauty was surrpassing her own, so she made Snow White become a maid. She would ask her mirror daily "who was the fairest one of all." Once the mirror said that Snow White was the fairest of all the land, the Queen got jealous and had a huntsman take Snow White as far into the woods as possible to kill her. The huntsman took Snow White into the woods but didn't kill her, he begged and pleated to her to run and never to come back again. Snow White was lost and frighted untill the Seven Dwarfs found her and took her to a cottage deep in the woods!
What happens next? Does the Queen take over the Kingdom? Watch this movie and find out! I strongly recomend this movie for little kids and some adults who still like to watch movies like this! It's a great movie!
I used to be very, very afraid of this movie when i was a little girl. The witch was my worst nightmare. But i love this movie now. Dopey is my favorite :)
ReplyDeleteThis is such a good movie! I always loved this movie, I thought it would be neat to work in a mine like the dwarfs!
ReplyDeleteDopey and Happy are my favorite dwarfs! This movie is a classic!
ReplyDeleteThis movie is so good!! =-) I love when Snow White sings!! It's so pretty and when her and all the little animals clean the house!!
ReplyDeleteI really like this movie it has to be probably one of my favorite little kid movies. The seven dwarfs are all so cute.
ReplyDeleteI used to watch this movie alot when i was little, grumpy is my all time favorite because I can remember telling my foster mom that she acted alot like him.:) This movie is on my top 10 of favorite childrens movie!
ReplyDeleteI dont think I have ever watched this movie. You have a very good description that keeps the reader wondering what happens next!
ReplyDeleteI didn't really like this movie. I thought it was kind of the same as all the other disney movies.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know it was made in 1937. That is really old. I might have liked this movie when i was little but i won't be watching it now.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a lot to say about this movie because I have never seen it. I might have to watch it.
ReplyDeleteSuch a classic! I'm pretty sure this was actually the very first Disney movie, but don't quote me. I can't remember how this ends, oddly enough. I'll have to re-watch it!
ReplyDeleteThe queen still scares me when I watch this! Especially when she turns into a witch.
ReplyDeleteIt has been a long time since i have seen this movie, but I liked it when i was little.
ReplyDeleteOld classics :) How great they all are.. This is my niece's favorite movie in the whole world!!! Oh.. how it brings back memories of younger days.
ReplyDeleteI think Emily is right - this was the first full length Disney animated feature. There's a lot more to the story, though, and the Dwarfs didn't find her - she broke into their house and fell asleep.